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Award Scheme on Redesigning Student Learning Experience in Higher Education (RSLEIHE) 2019

1. Aim & Themes of the Award Scheme
The RSLEIHE scheme aims to create and share local examples of student-centred, student-initiated, future orientated teaching and learning experiences which can engage and empower students and directly meet their future needs in a meaningful manner.
The following key words further illustrate the expectation of the projects:

  • Student engagement and self-directed learning
  • Future trends and meeting future needs
  • Innovative organisation of learning

The special themes include (a) holistic/generic competencies, (b) cross-cultural and cross-disciplinary competencies, and (c) flipped classroom. Students can also propose other meaningful learning experiences which address the aim of this scheme. The proposed projects can be student exploration of innovative learning opportunities, mini research study or others.

2. Awards and Criteria
Two types of awards are opened for competition:

  Type of Award Number of Award Amount (HKD)
Distinguish Awards The Winner 1 10,000
1st Runner-up 1 7,000
2nd Runner-up 1 5,000
Awards of Merits 3-5 1,500-2,500 each

The awards will be based on the quality of an individual project in terms of its:

  • Achievement of the aims of the RSLEIHE scheme
  • Implementation of the project and the learning from it
  • Implications and recommendations for teaching & learning in Higher Education

A judging panel of seven professionals in the higher education sector will be responsible for the vetting of proposal and judging the final report and showcase presentation.

3. Proposal and Project Duration
Each student team has to submit a proposal which should include the following sections: purpose, rationale and expected outcomes of the project, implementation timeline, impact assessment/evaluation, and how to ensure success of the project.

The project should last for at least one semester. Each approved project should be completed by end of June 2019.

4. Project Report and Dissemination
All student teams are required to submit a report by end of July 2019. The report should outline the project implementation, results, future implications to higher education, and reflection on their learning experience.

Each team has to showcase their good work at the Symposium on Redesigning Student Learning Experience in Higher Education on 23 August 2019.

An electronic book, based on students’ reports, will be published online in the upcoming project year.
For more details of the entire scheme, please visit http://herdsahk.edublogs.org/2018/11/20/herdsa-hong-kong-awards-redesigning-student-learning-experience-in-higher-education-rsleihe-2019/.
